About the Site
Welcome to Shulk's Scrapbook, a website dedicated to fleshing out all the fun collectable items in Xenoblade Chronicles 1! My name is Taliax—most people call me Tali—and I started this project on a whim. I was showing off one of my favorite items (Wet Rat) to a pal who hadn't played the game, and they assumed that the little icon () represented the rat specifically, rather than just the generic "animal" category. They only realized this when I was talking about the Rainbow Slug, and they were dissapointed it used the same image.
I was disappointed, too! I'd love to see a slug with gems stuck all over it! That sounds like a pokemon! One of our mutual friends adores slugs, and sent a variety of photos of possible slugs it could look like. I sketched on in ballpoint pen, but later decided that wasn't enough. Drawing from references is a relaxing activity, so why not relax, improve my art skills, and show some love for the silly elements of Bionis and Mechonis by drawing them all?
I know that sounds like a lot, especially to decide on a whim, but it's not any more ambitious than the many "drawing pokemon every day" challenges lots of people pick up. I know it'll take a while to fully flesh out the website, which is why I decided to add plenty of non-art elements, too. The different indexes allow you to sort items by different methods, such as by affinity given or by alphabetical order. And in between drawing items, I'm adding small fic-like "dialogue" from the main characters to the item pages. I hope that beyond just filling up space on the website, these snippets will flesh out the game's setting, make each item more memorable, and just feel like a fun taste of the characters we all love.
I've since expanded a bit and started adding the Heart-to-Heart transcripts, which you can play choose-your-own-adventure style by clicking dropdown buttons. I think it's a fun way to reexperience them without replaying the game (or resetting for every available piece of dialogue).
About Me
I only got into Xenoblade... last year? Year before? 2021-2022 sometime. It actually took me forever to beat the game because I'd put it down for a long time somewhere in Makna. (I kept getting lost lol). I was kind of glad it took so long though, since it made Fiora's reappearance later hit a lot harder (I thought for sure she was super mega dead). Bless my pal Luma for managing to keep that a secret for a whole year. Anyway, this game had one of my favorite endings of any game ever, which was really relieving after being a long-time Kingdom Hearts fan. (If you know you know.)
That's already a lot of rambling... how about I list some favorites?
- Xenoblade 1 character: Reyn
- Xenoblade 3 character: Mio
- Xenoblade location: Bionis Interior (it's just so weird in a super cool gross way)
- Xenoblade outfit option: Prodigal III for pretty much everyone (+ scuba mask on Shulk)
- Video Games other than Xenoblade: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky, Pokemon Omega Ruby, Undertale
- Pokemon starter: Cyndaquil
- Color: turquoise
- Clip Studio Brush: Oil paint_1.10.9
Credits and Thanks
I had a lot of help in making this website. First and foremost is from my good pal Lumanae, who got me into Xenoblade in the first place. They also did a ton of troubleshooting for me while I learned how to code this site. I don't know how I would've learned flexbox without them. And finally, they ripped all of the in-game assets you'll find on the site, from the screenshots to the item icons to the collectopaedia tab pictures. Basically, anything that's not my art was provided by them, and this website would look infinitely less cool without their help.
When I asked Luma how they wanted to be credited, though, they said that the real people I should credit are the creators behind this Xenoblade ripping tool. (I still do not know a thing about ripping, so this all looks foreign to me.) But anyway, very special thanks to Thealexbarney, ReinaSakuraba, and BlockBuilder57 for their work on that!
For the gifting affinity info, I have to thank the contributors of the Xenoblade Wiki. As much as I'm not a fan of fandom.com sites, I'm sure that it took a lot of work to get the exact numerical values of affinity lost/gained for each character on all 300 items on there.
And of course, the inspiration for this site in vibes and layout dates back to The Cave of Dragonflies, one of the few old pokemon fansites still around. That's where I got the script for the Personality Test too.
Would this really be a neocities site if I didn't have some random buttons somewhere?