Shulk's Scrapbook


Welcome to the Collectopaedia Crossword! I hope you enjoy this puzzle! I genuinely cannot tell how hard it is, considering I have been being autistic about the Collectopaedia for so long with this website now. But all the answers should be findable with either information on this website or (rarely) on the wiki. One or two may technically include basic knowledge outsite of Xenoblade, but nothing crazy or un-Googleable.

All of the answers are collectopaedia item names. There are no spaces or special characters.

You can click on the links below the image to open printable versions (with the clues included) in a new tab. If you don't have a printer, a simple image editor like MS Paint can be used to fill it in, which is why a PNG version is included.

When you have as much as you want figured out, you can put your username and answers in the form below. You can still submit even without all the answers if there are ones you can't figure out. Submitting will take you to a capcha page in a new tab (be patient with it; it's been slow when I've tested it recently). You'll receive a confirmation message that your answers were submitted after the capcha. (Don't be alarmed that the form won't clear on submit, that's just because I do not understand javascript.) Multiple submissions are allowed if you missed some and figure them out later or want to change any answers.

Anyone who correctly completes the crossword (or gets close, if no one completes it) will get their name on the Hall of Fame page and possibly a small surprise!

At a currently undetermined future point, the form will be closed (and possibly replaced with a new crossword), and the answers to the current crossword will be posted with explanations. You can find retired crosswords and their answers here. In the meantime, happy collecting!


  • 3. The most overworld-accurate item. (8)
  • 8. Why are we going insane over a brick? (11)
  • 12. Probably similar in appearance to 16 Down. (8)
  • 13. Manly zucchini. (15)
  • 14. Use it to cast spell of "summon mouse." (12)
  • 15. Would brown eyes be less intimidating...? (12)
  • 17. Patella petra. (11)
  • 19. Similar name, but much less effective as a gift than 21 Across. (10)
  • 20. Heart-shaped and hard to handle. (11)
  • 21. Love at first bite...? I thought it was a liquid? (10)


  • 1. Sounds like a breakfast cereal. Maybe it is one. (10)
  • 2. For morning gambling? (8)
  • 4. Is it worth melting your soul? (14)
  • 5. Rusty and gutsy. (12)
  • 6. Shrivel up and dry. (9)
  • 7. A gemstone you don't have to craft. (15)
  • 9. Melia catches a glimpse of her home on a different continent. (9)
  • 10. A rock-collecting beauty. (11)
  • 11. Great hiding spot for Shield Bugs. (11)
  • 16. Surprising that the leaves didn't lose their color over the years. (11)
  • 18. Is this supposed to be another name for weed...? (8)
  • 19. Low-weight baseball implement.

Submission Form



Crossword High Scores

Here is the current scoreboard! The total number of possible correct answers for this crossword is 22.