Shulk's Scrapbook

Melia's Heart-to-Hearts

All of Melia's Heart-to-Hearts and Quiet Moments. Heart-to-Hearts are sorted by affinity required to view. Quiet Moments are sorted in roughly chronological order.

Title Other Character Affinity Requirement Location
Fallen Bretheren Shulk Makna Forest | Agni Tablet
Echoes of Ancient Times Reyn High Entia Tomb | Valley of Emperors
No Boys Allowed Sharla Makna Forest | Sparkling Pool
True Natures Dunban Frontier Village | Apex Lake
A Mysterious Sanctuary Riki Frontier Village | Prophecy Hut
Melia's Imperial Villa Fiora Alcamoth | Imperial Villa
So Close, Yet So Far Shulk Alcamoth | Audience Chamber
Ancient Wreckage Reyn Colony 9 | Cylinder Hangar
Ancient Astrology Sharla Alcamoth | West of Melfica Road
High Entia History Dunban Satorl Marsh | Sororal Statues
Camping Spot Riki Fallen Arm | Inlet Beach
A Day Like Any Other Fiora Frontier Village | Nopon Tower
Hopes and Plans Shulk High Entia Tomb | Hall of Trials
A Breathtaking Sight Reyn Alcamoth | Sky Terrace
Untold Feelings Sharla Prison Island | Gravina Bridge
Eternal Scars Dunban Fallen Arm | Black Wreckage
Kind Words Riki Bionis' Interior | West of Terminal Nerve Tower
Overcoming the Pain Fiora Fallen Arm | Digit 1
A Love for Flowers Nene Bionis' Shoulder | Navvir Highland
A Life Without Visions Shulk Bionis' Shoulder | Whisperwind Crossing
Family Relations Nene Bionis' Shoulder | Skybridge
Kino in the Doldrums Kino Bionis' Shoulder | Junks
Making Plans Kino Bionis' Shoulder | Agni's Birthplace
Light and Shadow Tyrea Bionis' Shoulder | Gran Dell Tower
Tyrea's Uncertainty Tyrea Bionis' Shoulder | North of Tranquil Tarn
The Future Is Ours Shulk Alcamoth | Ascension Hall