Shulk's Scrapbook

Fish Fly! Fish Fly!

Oi, Riki! What you up to?

Reyn see! Lots of fish! Fish with wings jump out of water! See!

Hahaha. You must be joking! There’s no such things as fish with wings. You’ve lost the plot!

But Riki just see one!

See, see! Fish fly!

Oh yeah. I saw that. So fish can really fly?!

Riki not see before either. Village and forest not have flying fish.

Right then! Only one thing for it. We catch one and eat it!

Riki want five for himself!

My time has come! I will show all of Bionis my fishing skills!

Ah! No!

What's the matter with you?!

Riki remember than creatures with wings are special to Nopon. If Riki eat flying fish, Riki get in trouble!

Don't worry about it. No one’s looking.

No, no, no! Dunga will get mad! But... Riki’s stomach make noise...

I won't tell anyone. But that means you've gotta fish twice as hard as me.

Riki not happy, but food is most important to Riki. Riki get all fish before Reyn!

I knew it. When food’s around you’re suddenly up for it!

Silly, silly Reyn!

What? We ain’t allowed or something?

Flying fish special. It sacred! Reyn eat fish then be cursed!

Just looks like any old fish. I reckon it'll taste great.

Tut tut tut. Reyn no understand. Reyn see Riki has wings, no? Creatures with wings are special.

I gotcha. So it’s like eating your own kind.

Gross, Reyn! But yes...

Sorry, man. Don’t mean to scare. It’s all right, though. We’ve got loads of tasty fish back home.

Umm... Reyn? Riki hungry now...

Come on, then! I'll take you. We’ll have to get my fishing stuff. Whoever catches the most fish wins!

You are on, Reyn! Riki good at fishing!

Stop teasing Riki!

Reyn has lost his plot! Reyn silly Hom Hom!

Calm down, Riki. Don’t get so defensive.

Riki not feel nice when Reyn make fun of Riki.

Looking at the water again, I can see... something like that.

See! Riki told Reyn truth! Eryth Sea has lots and lots of strange fish swimming.

I guess you were right.

They even got hovering rocks in this place. I’ll believe anything.

Riki want to visit many other strange places. See all of Bionis! Riki and friends can see lots and lots of strange creatures together.

Sounds like a plan, Riki. And just think of all the food to eat!

Reyn's eyes bigger than his great big fat stomach!

Take a look at yourself, lard ball.

Reyn sound different. Sound like he use his brain! Is sky going to fall on Riki’s head?

Riki want to finish fighting and go travelling with Reyn, as friends!

Friends, huh? I’ll think about that one. But I wouldn’t mind seeing a bit of Bionis either.

You know what’s stranger?

How on Bionis are you forty?! That means you’re like... an old man!

Riki not old man! Nopon and Hom Hom different!

But the Nopon I met at Colony 9 acted their age. Why not you?

Reyn should act his age! Five! Reyn a big baby like littlepon!

Why you little... I’m gonna... Oh, I give up. What’s the point?

Riki older than Reyn so Reyn should respect Riki!

OK, old man. I’ll give it a go. You haven’t got long left anyway...