The Legend of the Spider
Look, Reyn! This geological formation... It’s incredible!
It sure is. This breeze ain’t bad either.
Reyn, are you OK? You don’t normally want to talk about geology and the weather.
Uh... OK, yeah, I’m a bit on edge. Just tell it to me straight, Shulk. Is it me or are there a ton of spiders around here?
Yes, there are quite a few. Oh yeah! Now I remember!
You’re scared of spiders!
Reyn, are you OK? You don’t look so good.
Sorry, Shulk. Mind if we take a break for a bit?
That’s not a problem at all. Hmm. I’m just trying to think when your phobia started. If I remember right, it was that time when...
Come on, man, don’t remind me!
I played a prank on you!
I’m sorry, Reyn. I shouldn’t have stuck that spider in your shoe.
Too right you shouldn’t! When I went to put my shoe on I nearly jumped out of my skin! You should be glad it didn’t make me scared of shoes!
Don’t make me feel bad! I said I was sorry.
Yeah, I know. We were just kids back then, anyway. Boys will be boys and all that.
That reminds me. Do you remember why I put that spider in your shoe?
Umm... Not really.
You hid a caterpillar in my sock drawer! Did you forget?
Haha! Oh yeah... Sorry, man. Hey, Shulk, don’t you have a phobia? There’s something you’re afraid of, but I can’t remember what.
It’s caterpillars, Reyn.
Fiora played a prank on you!
She stuck a spider in your food. It was hilarious!
Oh yeah, that was gross! How could she do that?! Hey, wait a minute! That never happened! It was your fault!
Wh-what? Are you sure?
Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten. You stuck a spider in my shoe when we were kids.
Oh... Uh... Sorry about that. Are you sure it was me?
Yes! And for the record, I hated it! How could you forget that? It’s your fault I have this horrible fear of spiders!
Hey, no need to make such a big deal out of it! I don’t even remember why I did it.
Are you kidding me?! You did it because... Er... OK, I guess I don’t remember either.
On the plus side... If we both forgot, it can’t have been much of a reason!
Yes! He’s totally forgotten about the prank I played on him. And I can’t say I’m gonna complain!
You love spiders!
All these strange and exciting spiders around... No wonder you look nervous! I bet you can barely contain your excitement!
You must be kidding! I’m starting to feel sick just looking at the ugly things!
Haha, gotcha! I was only joking, Reyn. Don’t be so uptight! It’s just a few creepy crawlies.
For the record, it’s ‘cos of you that I have a phobia of spiders. I hope you haven’t forgot about what you did when we were kids.
I remember. Relax. You know how sorry I was.
You shouldn’t have done it in the first place, man! Why the heck did you have to go and stick a spider in my shoe?!
You were bugging me.
You put a caterpillar in my drawer, remember?
Umm... Really? I sorta remember. I might have, but who knows?
See! You’re the bad guy here. Why did you do it, Reyn?
I dunno. Mmm... No, can’t remember.
Well, that’s the end of that.
Both of us have awful memories. Guess we’re two peas from the same pod!
It needed a good home.
If I recall, your shoe looked just the right size for the spider.
Oi! Only my feet get to live in my shoes! No bugs allowed! I’ve had enough of this. I’m outta here, Shulk.
You want to get moving already?
Right! The spiders can stay away or suffer the consequences! You better watch your back too, Shulk! You’ll regret that prank!
At least you’re back to your old self again!
Hey, that’s not the point! Oh, forget it. You’re always one step ahead of me anyway.