Shulk's Scrapbook

Dance Apple

A red apple that's perfect for parties. Really gets things moving.

I don't get it. What don't you guys like about these? It's so fun how the seeds inside sound like raindrops when they shake!

The way it sounds isn't bad...

But you've never had to listen to a buncha geezers use 'em as maracas during karoke night. Just hearin' one gives me war flashbacks to Dickson's "singing."

I shudder at the thought. Frankly, I am surprised that Dunban does not find the fruit as offputting as you two and Shulk do. He typically dislikes fruit, does he not?

Oh, that's an easy one. Dunban was too tipsy on Dance Apple Cider to notice the noise, hehe!

Please, Fiora...

That was a much simpler time. I'll admit the sound of Dance Apples makes me a little nostalgic.