Shulk's Scrapbook

High Violet

Melia named this instinctively. A staff that gathers harmful energy.

What... is this, exactly?

I couldn't say for sure, but I feel a field of ether radiating around it. My instinct says it may have been used to absorb excess ether in these upper regions of the Bionis, preventing it from... well. You now know the effects of concentrated ether on my people.

I see. So it's like a shield, not a weapon.

Precisely. Though I suppose in the wrong hands it could be used for harm. ...You look uneasy. What is the matter?

It's nothing.

Do not hold your tongue, Fiora. If we are to have unity, we must know each other's hearts.

You're as stubborn as Reyn! Fine. I think my Machina body doesn't like the Bionis' ether, that's all.

Ah. I shall put it away, then. Thank you for telling me.