Shulk's Scrapbook

Feather Leaf

A furry leaf from which they make bedclothes.

Is it true that these leaves are used in bedding?

Huh, I guess the High Entia wouldn't need something like this. You probably have something fancier for your blankets. Or are you lining everything with your feathers?

Ha, ha. You wouldn't knit blankets from your hair, would you?

Okay, fair enough.

We mostly use synthetic materials. The natural fuzziness of the Feather Leaf, however... there is something strangely comforting about it.

Is there? In that case, I'll have to teach you how to weave with them! We'll make you a the coziest Homs comforter you've ever felt!

Considering I have never felt a Homs comforter, I presume that will be quite easy.

Quips aside... that is a very gracious offer. You have my sincere thanks, Sharla.