
A flower of celebration used at weddings. A symbol of constancy.
Hmm. I don't see how any flower could be a symbol of constancy. Isn't the quick fate of flowers to wither and die?
That is an awfully pessimistic outlook.
While it is true that each individual bloom may only last a short while, on the whole they create something greater. The remnants of a bloom carry the seeds for the next generation.
I'll admit this analogy still falls flat for me. You'd say a couple's purpose is just to reproduce, then die?
Of course not! Now you're just being contrary for the sake of it, aren't you?
A couple must always look to the future, and their love must grow and change with the seasons, as does a flowering plant. It will not always be perfect, but there will always be a return of spring.
(She's lost me even further... but I suppose there's no point in pressing her.)